Asymmetric Defense, and your buyers guide to Threat Intelligence

Presented at Kiwicon 8: It's always 1989 in Computer Security (2014), Dec. 11, 2014, 11:15 a.m. (45 minutes)

2 guys, 1 talk... wepiv and narc0sis are going to tag team this presentation WWF styles, just like its the 80's. This talk is a collection of ideas and concepts from wepiv and narc0sis' rage sessions about the snake oil being hawked today, and branded as threat intelligence. wepiv will dive into the scaling effects in network attack and defence, the asymmetrical advantages for defenders, and how to implement them in your network from both an architecture and operational perspective. narc0sis will explain why information sharing is dead, why information exchange is the next revolution for defenders, and how threat intelligence and asymmetric defence underpin this revolution.


  • narc0
    narc0sis $dayjob involves working in security response and drinking lots of koolaid. Originally from the land of the long white cloud, narc0sis now resides in the somewhat 'smokey' clouds of Seattle, and he gets warm fuzzies working on security automation and enabling information exchange.
  • wepiv
    wepiv has led diverse technical and strategic efforts in network and product security for government agencies and fortune 50 enterprises. wepiv specializes in security architecture, adversary emulation, network analysis, attack methodologies, incident response, threat intelligence and product security. He has spoken at numerous conferences including RECON, DerbyCon, BSides PDX, BSides Vancouver and BSides Seattle.


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