Red Team Master Class (Day 1)

Presented at Kiwicon 2038AD: The Dystopic Future is Now (2018), Nov. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. (480 minutes)

This class will teach you how to perform in each of the scenarios detailed in the open source pentesting documents. From LAN attacks, to Black Box, to Physical, Social all the way to training a CEO how to handle news reporters. This isn't your every-day pentest training. Overview Day 1: - Breach Simulation (Hands on LAN Attacks ) - Black Box (Hands on OSINT ) - Stolen Device ( Concepts and mindset ) - Opportunistic Attacker ( Concepts and mindset ) Day 2: - External w/ Credentials ( Hands on Brute force / Spraying ) - CxO Breach Training ( Social exercises ) - Password Auditing ( Hands on with John and Hashcat ) Day 3: - Wireless Assessment ( Hands on with virtual Wifi ) - Social Engineering ( Social exercises ) - Physical ( Concepts, mindset, and tools available ) - Egress Testing ( Hands on testing ) - Detection Collaboration ( Concepts and mindset ) - Rogue Devices ( Prepwork, and tooling ) Prerequisites: Knowledge: * Basic understanding of operating systems/computers * TCP/IP basics * Network configuration in Windows and Linux / OSX * Basic Linux usage * Basic VM usage Software / Hardware: * Laptop with latest version of Kali Linux * 30-40 GB of free space - 2 extra virtual machines will be provided (Metasploitable 2 and 3)


  • Rob Fuller / mubix as Mubix
    Mubix (Rob Fuller) is a Senior Red Teamer. His professional experience starts from his time on active duty as United States Marine. He has worked with devices and software that run gambit in the security realm. He has a few certifications, but the titles that he holds above the rest is FATHER, HUSBAND and United States Marine.

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