Intro to Badge Hacking

Presented at Kiwicon 2038AD: The Dystopic Future is Now (2018), Nov. 14, 2018, 9 a.m. (480 minutes)

Build and hack your own conference badge! This will include an intro to circuit components, soldering, IC programming, and more. All components supplied. Course Outline This course will give you an introduction to the skills required to hack your own hardware. During the day you will learn about the common components which make up electrical circuits and how they interact, learn how to solder these together, and how to program them using the Arduino IDE. This will all culminate in creating your own conference badge. Get together with others at the conference to share code, develop ideas, create new features. All electrical components and tools required to create a standard badge will be supplied. However, you will need to bring (or share!) a laptop with the Arduino IDE installed. Prerequisites Basic understanding of electricity and programming concepts. A laptop with Arduino IDE installed.


  • Jerome van Rooijen
    In his day job Jerome works at Quantum Security as Principal Security Consultant. In his night job, Jerome works to further his understanding of blinky LEDs (generally via #badgelife) and turn old washing machines into shiny new wind turbines.

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