Trending cloud security threats, and defenses

Presented at Kernelcon 2023, April 15, 2023, 2:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

If you're responsible for defending a cloud estate -- of any size -- you know that there are myriad threats, but which do you focus on first? What threats are at the top of attackers' toolkits today? How do you prioritize maximum bang for your buck when defending? Let's take a look at the landscape and answer these questions. This talk begins with a survey of the top threats to cloud infrastructures, such as stolen credentials, misconfiguration, multi-cloud complexity, and even attackers' use of AI and automation. As we go, we'll discuss effective defenses against these threats, too. We'll wrap up with general tips and best practices for defense. You'll leave with an appreciation of how to improve the security of your own cloud deployments.


  • Gabe Schuyler - Wiz
    Gabe is an enterprise solutions engineer at Wiz, inc. His day-to-day stock in trade is cloud security, helping people secure what they've got in the cloud and keeping everyone on top of trends. Off the clock, he enjoys tinkering with RFID, experimenting with ambient notification, and encouraging the use of technology for social change. He is assisted by a tree that tells the weather and a completely harmless seven-inch laptop named Snuggles.

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