Future of Transparency is Coming: Are You Ready to Air Out Your Security's Dirty Laundry?

Presented at Kernelcon 2023, April 14, 2023, 2:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

In 2022, we saw the government make moves to mandate transparency to stop cyberattacks through the release of new regulations. This roster of new cybersecurity regulations and enforcement includes the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) new guidance built upon President Biden’s May 2021 cybersecurity executive order with the aim of ensuring that federal agencies only use secure software. This begs developers to ask themselves the question: Am I ready to strip naked, technology-wise and air out my security’s dirty laundry now? Or am I keeping the details of my software ecosystem close to the vest, hidden from data pickpockets like it’s the cyber-equivalent of a tourist’s tucked-away money belt? In this session, I will do an overview of the key components you need to get your security ready to bare it all - everything from what a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is, inventory management of third-party components, detection, open-source software (OSS), license compliance to automated security testing. You walk away knowing what you need to do to make your security ready to go public confidently.


  • David Lindner - Contrast Security
    David is an experienced application security professional with over 20 years in cybersecurity. In addition to serving as the chief information security officer (CISO), David leads the Contrast Labs team that is focused on analyzing threat intelligence to help enterprise clients develop more proactive approaches to their application security programs. Throughout his career, David has worked within multiple disciplines in the security field—from application development, to network architecture design and support, to IT security and consulting, to security training, to mobile and application security. He has worked with many clients across industry sectors, including financial, government, automobile, healthcare, and retail. David is an active participant in numerous bug bounty programs.

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