Cloudless Smarthome/Smartfarm: Cheap, DIY, and Awesome. You can do this too.

Presented at Kernelcon 2023, April 14, 2023, 4:40 p.m. (60 minutes)

Cloud-based smarthome/automation solutions suck. Expensive, proprietary solutions suck too. Here’s how I connected and enabled my home and farm to be as smart and automated as possible. From lighting to HVAC and multi-room/multi-building audio to livestock water tanks – nothing is spared from disassembly, soldering, and hackery.


  • Matt Virus - Cisco
    Matt Virus (real name) is an IoT engineer @ Cisco (15+ years), an above-average husband and father of 2, a farmer, a fan of loud angry rock music, and a hardware junkie with tons of experience with build/hack projects. No fear of burned fingers, desks set on fire, or escape of the magic smoke here. Former DoD forensic and malware analyst, firm believer of local control and auditability of software/firmware. Lover of all things containerized and API-enabled, blackbelt in google-fu, passionate about facilitation, enablement, and helping people reach beyond their technical comfort zone. Founder of, Fueled by monster energy...

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