Protecting Your Cloud Environment from the Netrunners

Presented at Kernelcon 2022, April 2, 2022, 11:35 a.m. (20 minutes)

Have you ever found yourself questioning, "what is my attack surface in the cloud?" What are the top security risks that I need to watch out for in this new domain? No need to fret, this talk will answer these questions by focusing on the Security Aspects of Cloud Computing with a CyberPunk theme! At the end of this talk, attendees will leave knowing the most important areas to focus on to create a high standard of cloud hygiene and security for their environments. Applicable to AWS, Azure, and GCP.


  • Ryan Hollis
    Ryan is a Cloud Security Engineer for Orca Security. He is active in VetSec, a group of military veterans in cyber security. In addition to participating in CTFs, you can find Ryan riding his mountain bike, lost in VR, or enjoying a nice IPA in his hometown of Austin, TX.

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