How to Get Invited to the Party: DevOps + Security, Putting the Fun in Fundamental

Presented at Kernelcon 2022, April 2, 2022, 4:20 p.m. (60 minutes)

One of the main challenges in Cyber Security is that attackers always have more money, time, and resources. Additionally, attackers need to find one small pinhole into an environment, but as Security professionals we need to find and defend every pinhole / chunk / massive crater that exists in the dam of our processes / technology / people. How do we overcome these challenges and how do we "win" the Security war or even compete in the skirmishes that are fought every day? Please join me in understanding how we can leverage DevOps for a greater Security force to be reckoned with and how we can get back to placing the "Fun" in Fundamental.


  • Joseph Wilson
    Joseph Wilson is a computer security expert whose career included five years as the Chief of a major Department of Defense (DoD) Network Operations and Defense Center (NOC) before entering the private sector. He also served as the security architect, strategist, and Manager of Security Operations for a Fortune 250 food company prior to joining CSG International. Joe now serves as the Chief Information Security Officer and is responsible for protecting customer as well as company assets for CSG International 24/7. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska with his wife and three kids. Joseph graduated with a B. A. from Simpson College and holds a M.S. in Management Information Systems with an Information Assurance concentration from the University of Nebraska Omaha.

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