Now, For Something Completely Different

Presented at Kernelcon 2020 Virtual, Unknown date/time (60 minutes)

Over the past two years we have see a perceptible shift in security issues. Traditional architectures like AD and DMZs are falling away and are being replaced with Cloud and IoT. So, how do we approach this new world?

In this talk, John will cover some core tools and techniques we use at BHIS every day to attack organizations. We will also use these tools and techniques to help frame attendees in their approach and mindset to testing these technologies.


  • John Strand - Black Hills Information Security
    John has both consulted and taught hundreds of organizations in the areas of security, regulatory compliance, and penetration testing. He is a coveted speaker and much loved teacher. John is a contributor to the industry shaping Penetration Testing Execution Standard and 20 Critical Controls frameworks.

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