A Collaborative Approach to Hardware Hacking: NYCResistor

Presented at The Last HOPE (2008), July 18, 2008, 7 p.m. (60 minutes)

In this panel, 18 members of NYCResistor will each, in turn, speak about a piece of infrastructure or project associated with their hacker space collective. By presenting 18 perspectives on the infrastructure, process, and projects, you will experience different windows into the organization. The presentation will encompass stories and pictures of cake, lasers, and drink serving robots as well as insight into such fascinating topics as book balancing, documentation, and the massive importance of failure. NYCResistor is a Brooklyn-based hacker space focused on learning, sharing, and making things.


  • Friends
    Bre Pettis is one of the driving forces behind NYCResistor. He produces new media for Etsy.com, the marketplace for handmade goods. In his recent past, he's been host of Make: Magazine's Weekend Projects podcast, a schoolteacher, artist, and a puppeteer. Bre is passionate about invention, innovation, and all things DIY.
  • Bre Pettis
    Bre Pettis is one of the driving forces behind NYCResistor. He produces new media for Etsy.com, the marketplace for handmade goods. In his recent past, he's been host of Make: Magazine's Weekend Projects podcast, a schoolteacher, artist, and a puppeteer. Bre is passionate about invention, innovation, and all things DIY.


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