Who's Killing Crypto?

Presented at The Eleventh HOPE (2016), July 22, 2016, noon (60 minutes).

Governments have gotten really good at coming up with ways to undermine encryption. They can outright ban the use of certain types or strengths, place trade restrictions, mandate the insertion of backdoors or vulnerabilities, work with companies directly to undermine the encryption standards, arrest executives for failing to comply with orders, and seek assistance from courts through antiquated, off topic laws. In this presentation, Amie and Drew will compare various approaches and provide the historical context that better illustrates how and why such restrictions are doomed to either fail or worsen the state of digital security. The session is planned to be part history lesson and part overview of the current state of encryption debates. The discussion will include where panelists think the law of encryption should and will go, and provide details on the campaigns that have been run at Access Now to promote the unrestricted use of encryption.


  • Drew Mitnick
    Drew Mitnick focuses on digital security, digital due process, and privacy. He has experience working on human rights in Asia and the United States.
  • Amie Stepanovich
    Amie Stepanovich is an expert in domestic surveillance, cybersecurity, and privacy law. At Access Now, Amie leads projects on digital due process and responds to threats at the intersection of human rights and communications surveillance.


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