Matehacking: Legalizing Autonomous Production and Permaculture - Establishing a Hack Farm

Presented at The Eleventh HOPE (2016), July 22, 2016, noon (60 minutes).

This talk will focus on a proposal to create a "mate hacking farm." Technologization is running full power in the direction of monoculture and industrial mass scale drying of mate using eucalyptus burning as an energy source. This will bring dramatic ethnological and environmental impact to the South American Pampas. Hackers can play an important role by developing easy to construct, recycled, upcycled, and DIY technology for the decentralized production of yerba mate in both traditional and new ways. This draws attention to the need for a solution for food sovereignty in the southern hemisphere. The "mate hacking farm" would be a fantastic place to tunnel in, get wired, and push new technologies and open-source forest management solutions. Any activistic, fantastical, solidary and commerce-free ideas and concepts are welcome to be executed there and planned for now.


  • Fabrício do Canto
    Fabrício do Canto is a "mate hacker" at and was an active member of the Pirate Party in Pankow, Berlin. He spent ten years on sabbatical traveling the globe with family realizing art and digital inclusion projects, mostly in India and other remote areas like Amazonia.


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