Hacking Housing

Presented at The Eleventh HOPE (2016), July 24, 2016, 3 p.m. (60 minutes).

Luke and Heather will discuss their work building shipping container based, off-grid, open-source houses and factories. They will provide a crash course in getting and converting containers, including specific recommendations on how to modify them into solar-powered, comfortable living and working spaces. This is relevant because it's silly for us to live and work in corporate-owned environments built by somebody else, rather than hacking our own sustainable, affordable alternatives.


  • Luke Iseman
    Luke Iseman and Heather Stewart live in homes they've built out of shipping containers in the East Bay. They have a negative cost of living monthly, and they think everyone should spend more time building big things out of metal. Luke spends his spare time prototyping hardware and Heather makes giant art.
  • Heather Stewart
    Luke Iseman and Heather Stewart live in homes they've built out of shipping containers in the East Bay. They have a negative cost of living monthly, and they think everyone should spend more time building big things out of metal. Luke spends his spare time prototyping hardware and Heather makes giant art.
