Can We Sue Ourselves Secure? The Legal System's Role in Protecting Us in the Era of Mass Data Leaks and Internet of Things

Presented at The Eleventh HOPE (2016), July 24, 2016, 2 p.m. (60 minutes).

Large data breach stories just merge into one another. Weak IoT security is no secret. Yet the marketplace isn't fixing this problem. Can the legal system play a part? This talk will discuss current approaches under U.S. regulatory, product liability, and tort law to encourage vendors to secure their devices and services.


  • Alex Muentz
    Alex Muentz is both an information security consultant and a lawyer with a fondness for seersucker in this heat. He's spoken at a bunch of conferences you've heard of (HOPE, Defcon, ShmooCon). He occasionally takes pro-bono cases and attempts to avoid career-limiting moves.


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