Presented at
The Eleventh HOPE (2016),
July 23, 2016, 6 p.m.
(60 minutes).
We want the free software movement to keep growing and one facet of successful movement building is embracing a multi-generational community. The good news is that there is no age requirement for using, promoting, and contributing to free software. The bad news is that we aren't always doing a great job of facilitating a diverse, inter-generational movement. We'll take a look at what we're currently doing to bring in young people, how we are treating older people in our communities, and where there is room for improvement.
Molly de Blanc
Molly de Blanc is interested in the intersections between society and technology, especially from the perspectives of ethics, community engagement, and practical implementation. At work, she is the community coordinator for the Open edX project at edX, and in her free time she is a free and open-source technology activist, Open Source Initiative board member, caretaker of plants and a cat, and rock star.
Deb Nicholson
Deb Nicholson wants to make the world a better place with technology and social justice for all. She likes talking to developers about software patents, to project maintainers about leadership, and to activists about free software. In the service of worldwide free software promotion, she is a prolific speaker, writer, and both IRL and IRC meeting attender. When she's at home in Massachusetts, she volunteers for Girls Rock Campaign, haunts the science fiction book store, and keeps a small herb garden.
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