Owning NFC Toys I Own: A Case Study

Presented at The Circle Of HOPE (2018), July 22, 2018, 4 p.m. (60 minutes)

NFC toys are figurines with a built-in near-field communication tag, containing supporting data for games or play. Reading from and writing to these figures is restricted; you can buy the toy, but only special hardware or software can fully use it, not you! This introductory-level case study will explore the NFC tags found in three makes of toys, using off-the-shelf hardware and software. You'll see how much can be learned with each different tool, and once read/write credentials are obtained, what some of the legal risks are under the DMCA. Original documentation and code will be presented to generate credentials for any of the three makes of NFC toys, and NFC toys will be distributed for attendees to explore on their own.


  • Vitorio Miliano
    **Vitorio Miliano** (@vitor_io, @nfctoys) is a researcher and designer. His personal interests intersect enabling lay use of technology (especially emerging technologies), and preservation of outdated physical media and digital artifacts. His professional work supports product teams through design research, user research, participatory design, facilitation, and prototyping.


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