Community Owned and Operated Cellular Networks in Rural Mexico

Presented at HOPE X (2014), July 18, 2014, 6 p.m. (60 minutes).

Why try to avoid them spying on us on their networks when we could just build our own? This is what the Rhizomatica project has done in rural Mexico, where they help to build and maintain community owned and operated GSM/cellular infrastructure. Come and hear about experiences in the field and how to deal with the technological, legal, social, and organizational aspects that come along with operating critical communications infrastructure from a community emancipation and autonomy perspective. If you enjoy freedom, community, and dismantling the corporations and governments that seek to monitor, control, and exploit us, then this presentation is for you. The talk will not be overly tech-focused, so don't worry if you haven't got the faintest idea or couldn't care less how a cell phone network operates. If you want tech and geekiness, you can also attend the workshop: "How to Build and Run Your Own Cellular Network."


  • Maka Muñoz
    Maka Muñoz is a feminist hacker and anthropologist who works in Mexico to strengthen autonomous communication.
  • Peter Bloom
    Peter Bloom is a member of Rhizomatica ( and a community digital defense and autonomy advocate and scholar who lives in Oaxaca, Mexico.


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