Create Your Portable CentOS Homelab in About an Hour

Presented at HOPE 2020 Virtual Rescheduled, July 29, 2020, 7:30 p.m. (60 minutes).

Need to learn about Linux servers? Get a self-contained CentOS lab up and running in no time. What's required: a host computer with virtualization tools installed, a CentOS (or other RedHat-based) ISO file to install, and about an hour. It should interest anyone looking to quickly set up an environment to study Linux, either for an exam like RHCSA/CE or just to learn how it works. The workshop will be interactive, with questions encouraged. If the audience members have a laptop with a VM host installed and a Red-Hat based .ISO file, they can follow along (quickly). The slides are at:\_Your\_Portable\_CentOS\_Homelab\_workshop


  • Murph
    **Murph** is a longtime desktop Linux user, current Linux sysadmin, and an EFF and FSF supporter. He is currently pursuing his RHCE certification, as well as other esoteric knowledge.
