The Ins and Outs of Webcasting

Presented at H2K2 (2002), July 13, 2002, 10 a.m. (60 minutes).

While the airwaves have been almost completely taken over by corporate interests, there is a whole world of broadcasting on the Internet just waiting for creative minds. Find out what it takes to get an Internet station going and what kinds of creative programming are possible. Also, learn what the recently mandated RIAA licensing fees will mean to the future of this broadcasting medium.


  • Lee Azzarello
    Lee Azzarello is a musician who works with computers. When he's not creating generative compositions with the SuperCollider programming language, he works as an audio engineer and network admin for a small art studio in Manhattan.
  • Lynea Diaz-Hagan
    Lynea Diaz-Hagan has been involved with the New York City Independent Media Center since the fall of 2000, working with the sound collective and the outreach working group. With a background in music, film, and theater production, she is interested in the relationship between creative culture and technology.
  • Tarikh Korula
    Tarikh Korula is an artist, computer programmer, and media activist. His work has been exhibited internationally from Siggraph to London's ICA. He received his Masters in Interactive Telecommunications from NYU in 1999. Korula is a founding member of the New York City Independent Media Center, where he helped start the sound collective in August of 2000.
  • Lazlow
    Lazlow is a nationally syndicated host of a daily technology update aired on hundreds of radio stations nationwide. He gives listeners an honest and opinionated look inside the world of technology. For years, he has been warning of the danger of media conglomeration in the world of radio - and today, media giant ClearChannel owns over 1200 radio stations with no end in sight. Lazlow has seen the industry from the inside - and it ain't pretty.
  • Kevin Prichard
    Kevin Prichard is a particle physicist, neurosurgeon, and martial arts master, and also plays in a band. When he's not working as an open source software developer, he can occasionally be heard on the New York City Indymedia radio stream ( discussing civil liberties, online freedoms, and other critical issues of the day. In his copious free time he contributes to the ROACH project at Indymedia (Ratty Old Arrays of Computer Hardware).
