Powershell Penetration Testing

Presented at Hackfest 2016, Unknown date/time (Unknown duration).

The purpose of this talk would to introduce the audience to using Powershell during internal network penetration tests. Powershell is almost always available on workstations in corporate networks and is incredibly powerful. During the talk we'll cover what a typical pentest might like at, armed only with Powershell and an internet connection. This will include, port scanning and host discovery, privilege escalation, hunting down targets of interest on the network and pivoting our way through a network until Domain Admin is ours.


  • Alfredo Ramirez
    I am a security researcher at SecurityScorecard, where I develop new threat intelligence datasets collected from across the Internet. Previously I was a security consultant and penetration tester focusing on network, web appsec and mobile appsec. I also spent some time working at Tenable as part of the Nessus research team.

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