Qubes OS for you and me: SHAttering the security XOR usability paradigm

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 5, 2017, 11:10 a.m. (60 minutes).

Qubes OS challenges the notion that security and usability are mutually exclusive. Qubes makes it easy to decompose your digital life into different strongly-isolated virtual machines, while maintaining a single unified desktop experience. Your existing workflows don't break, and you can continue to get your work done in the same way as before. This extended interactive demo will showcase how Qubes can effortlessly handle your existing use cases while providing strong security and privacy guarantees simply not possible on traditional desktop operating systems. Audience participation is strongly encouraged. Bring your own workflows, and we can interactively explore how they would map to a Qubes system. #Training


  • Jean-Philippe Ouellet
    When Jean-Philippe was 8 years old, someone handed him their well-worn copy of K&R and said "Here kid, read this. One day you'll thank me." He got started in security by hacking games, and somehow made it through high school wearing OpenBSD shirts nearly every day. He studied Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, where he picked up random hobbies like Amateur Radio, Caving, and Dungeons & Dragons. He ran the Cyber Security Club at Virginia Tech for several years, and really enjoys going to hacker conferences and being part of the greater hacker community, where he has made many friends. These days he stays up at night contributing to Qubes OS. He is currently seeking interesting work with a positive societal impact in an interesting part of the world - feel free to contact him ;)


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