LED Controller with Raspberry Pi: Control your LED strips using Flask and Websockets

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 5, 2017, 5:30 p.m. (90 minutes).

In this workshop we'll discuss various methods for controlling LEDs, and build a RPi-based controller that you can take home with you. <p>The project is based on the Raspberry Pi, Flask, Websockets, PCA9685 chip and analog RGB LED strips. We will be using code similar to <a href="https://github.com/sasha42/LED-controller">this LED controller</a> project that I've built. The workshop will start with a brief overview of various methods of controlling LEDs, and then dive into a hands-on workshop where you will build your very own controller!</p> <h2>Parts list:</h2> <p> <ul> <li> PCA9685 16-channel pwm driver (2.50)</li> <li> IRLZ34NPBF mosfets (3)</li> <li> 5050 RGB LED strip 5m (6)</li> <li> 12v 5a power supply (13)</li> <li> Misc cables, protoboards and connectors (2)</li> </ul> <b>Total: 26.5 euro</b> </p> <h2>Things you should already have:</h2> <p> <ul><li>Raspberry Pi with SD card and Power Supply ( ~65)</li></ul> <b>Total with RPi: euro 91.5</b> </p> <p>Parts will be available on site, however you are advised to bring your own Pi.</p>


  • Sasha
    I'm a hacker who likes playing with LEDs and Raspberry Pi's.


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