LaTeX: An Introduction into the LaTeX Universe

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 8, 2017, 10 a.m. (60 minutes).

This talk is about what LaTeX is, how you can use it and what you can do with it. aTeX is an open source software that was originally used by mathematicians for creating nice looking documents with still nicer math formulas. But there is much more that can be done with LaTeX. You can create high-end-pdf-documents containing complicated graphics, you can write academic papers with cross references and bibliographies. You can create beamer presentations, write letters, invoices, read external data and produce tables with it. You can use LuaLaTeX, if you have to manage workflows from xml-based data that should end as some epub or whatever else you want. There are also a lot of fonts you can use with latex. I will give a walkthrough by showing some examples; I also will show you where you can find interesting web resources;


  • dantetante
    treasurer of the German TeX user Group called Dante; Mother of 2 children (and wife of 1 man) PHD in Math system administrator of a school part time maths and physics teacher guitarrist in a punk-hardcore-band
  • Stefan Kottwitz
    Network engineer


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