Intro to Game Boy hacking: Getting started with z80 assembly

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 4, 2017, 5:40 p.m. (60 minutes).

In this workshop will present you with tools and resources to get started with Game Boy assembly programming. #Gaming #Software At 33c3, Michael Steil gave "The Ultimate Game Boy Talk", which explains in detail all the hardware in the Game Boy. I would like to take a more hands-on approach, and show you how to write your own games. We will start by grepping through the code for Pokemon Red, to get a feel for how things work. Once comfortable, we'll make small changes to the code. And finally write a program from scratch. To get the most out of this workshop, it is recommended to watch the above talk, and to already install the BGB emulator and RGBDS compiler.


  • Pepijn
    Full-stack engineer, from wires, transistors, assembly, to high level functional, database, front-end.


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