In The Eye of the Beholder: Theories of Governance for a Distributed Machine Vision Ecosystem

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 7, 2017, 7:05 p.m. (60 minutes)

Capitalist underpinnings of advanced technology development threatens individual agency and the notion of self-defined identity. As we are seen by an increasing number of image capture systems, this session will discuss prospects for the degrees of control do we exert over digital representations of our bodies as vision technology becomes more ubiquitous. #Privacy #SurveillanceState Our relationship with technology is different than our relationship with the state. As proprietary AI systems are being developed by a number of multinational corporations, we must examine what these new technologies mean for humanity as a whole. As our biometric information is captured by image recognition systems, artifacts from our analogue lives are being used to power machine learning algorithms. These “black box” algorithms have increasing sway over both what we see and how we are seen. This session will discuss socio-cultural considerations, legal precedents and historical analogs that can assist in framing an informed debate, while examining the philosophical and practical obligations that humans could hope to expect from image recognition technologies.


  • Matthew Stender
    Matthew Stender is a tech ethicist and rights advocate focusing on the human impact of emerging technology. Matthew Stender is a tech ethicist and digital rights advocate, whose interests lie at the intersection of cultural, communication and emerging technologies. Over the past ten years he has worked in a number of diverse professional industries throughout North America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. In his current role as Project Strategist for, he works on initiatives to increase transparency around social media content moderation policies and promote the freedom of expression online. Matthew holds an BA from the University of Texas at Dallas and an MA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


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