Demolish the web with the Firefox Dev Tools!: Do you know what you can do with Firefox for frontend development?

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 6, 2017, 10:05 a.m. (60 minutes)

Firefox has amazing dev tools that support the last technologies but they can used also with other browser and nodejs. #Software The devtools in Firefox improve at every release with new features and extend their support for remote debugging on mobile and on desktop but also on Nodejs. Let's improve your workflow with the help of the best fox in the world!


  • Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte
    Daniele Scasciafratte sometimes called Open Source Multiversal Guy. During the daylight he should work in his web agency, Codeat in Rome, and in the rest of the day collaborate in many opensource projects for different type of activities. Daniele Scasciafratte, the Open Source Multiversal guy, he should work in his web agency, Codeat in Rome, and in the rest of the day collaborate in many opensource projects. During the office hours for the WordPress world is a Core Contributor, plugin developer, project translator editor and WP Roma meetup co-organizer. He fight with the superpower of a Mozilla Rep for an open web, is co-leading the participation team of Mozilla Italia and sometimes is an Italian gestures speaker.


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