Data driven campaign against web tracking

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 4, 2017, 9 p.m. (60 minutes).

Online websites have trackers for two reasons: they need money, and they are unaware of third party trackers. Today we will not blame who is using advertising; To be clear: such kind of trackers are NOT OK, but I felt more proficuous use your 60 minutes of attention in something smaller. Imagine getting regularly updated about some target websites. Which are the non-HTTPS third party inclusions, some analysis of the javascript included, some assessment on their behavioural surveillance. A pipeline to help researcher and campaigner is in development, and at SHA would be presented the current status of the project, the goals, the few experimental uses implemented so far. #privacy #sharing


  • Claudio Agosti
    hacker of the early '00 shifted in digital human rights and then technopolitics. Claudio Agosti, often named vecna, is software engineering fascinate by social impact of networks and technologies. Ok, that's standard. Precisely what's moves me? Challenging the status quo, in 2017, is not just protecting digital communication against government surveillance, but rather understand the power structures represented by Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon. Few corporations are more powerful and subtle than the old fashion institutions, This just thrills my mind, and I'm in SHA2017 talking, speaking and looking for new elements and allies.


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