Arduino for kids soldering: This workshop is easy enough for total little newbies to learn all you need to know to get going on an Arduino.

Presented at Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), Aug. 7, 2017, 3 p.m. (120 minutes).

This workshop is easy enough for total little newbies to learn all you need to know to get going on an Arduino. It will probably take place in the Tsja village Participants will make their own Arduino clone, and set it up on solderless breadboards — a fun way to learn Arduino (and electronics) basics. Bring your laptop, if you can. - Intro to Arduino - Very short lesson to learn everything you need to know about electronics! - Then we will each make our own Arduino clone from a kit made by Waag Society: Fabschoolino. Now that we each have our own Arduino, we will set up the free and open-source software on our laptops (if you bring one) — Windows, MacOS, or Linux are all fine! And then it’s time to make something and learn how easy it is to use Arduino! I’ll (very easily!) show you how to read schematic diagrams, and you’ll put together your first cirquit using your Fabschoolino. We will use a solderless breadboard. These are really useful, and provide a fast, and very easy way to put circuits together without needing to solder. The kit contains enough to get you started. Instructables are on The fabschoolino is developed by Waag Society



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