How Much Dirty Laundry Are Your Smart Home Devices Airing About You?

Presented at Disobey 2024, Feb. 16, 2024, 7 p.m. (60 minutes).

Smart home technology allows us to turn on our heating so it's nice and warm before we get through the door, or control all the lights, TVs, and speakers in the house. It can even tell us when the fridge is running low on something, or when the laundry cycle has finished. But, by embracing these conveniences, how much are we giving up in the process via the apps they need to function? We're going to take a look at a couple of apps that accompany these smart devices throughout this talk. We'll start with diving into the privacy policies of each to see just how up-front they are about the data they're collecting and who it gets shared with/sold to. After that, we'll move onto where the data is going, how often it gets collected, and ultimately which third parties also get to know you.


  • Jack Fitzsimons
    Jack is a security consultant at WithSecure with a big interest in privacy issues, and the cloud. When he isn't at work you can find him hanging out with his two cats, working on his homelab, or writing something that may (or may not) end up on his blog.


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