Have U Been Invited? My journey to find and chain macOS vulns

Presented at Disobey 2023, Feb. 17, 2023, 6 p.m. (30 minutes).

This is a story about my journey to find logic bugs in macOS. During 2020 - 2022 I found a bunch of them and reported three major vulnerabilities from macOS. I will explain my methodology to find them and walk you through an exploit chain that compromises users' sensitive data with zero click. This chain starts with a zero-click vulnerability that I found in macOS Calendar. It allows an attacker to add or delete arbitrary files inside the Calendar sandbox environment. This will lead to arbitrary code execution. I will demonstrate how the vulnerability can be combined with Gatekeeper evasion and TCC evasion to compromise users' sensitive data. Edit: Some of the patches are still coming so unfortunately I can not disclose the full vulnerability chain yet. Instead, I will concentrate more on the first part of the vulnerability.



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