You’re Busted! Practicing IR Techniques at Home

Presented at Diana Initiative 2023, Aug. 7, 2023, 2 p.m. (30 minutes)

As a fledgling digital investigator, I was always on-the-lookout for opportunities to hone my skills. I had stumbled into security from a career in technology and education, and outside of work I sought opportunities to practice my IR skills anywhere I could. Little did I know I had my very own APT group operating in my home environment – a set of stealthy, sneaky children obsessed with watching YouTube. These Advanced Persistent (pre) Teens had little regard for device time limits or house rules. In this talk, I’ll share my journey of Incident Response in the home, tracking violations of the family acceptable use policy and unauthorized access to systems. I’ll describe the exploration and discovery of my children’s unauthorized digital activity and share how I applied IR processes, collected the forensic evidence, and conducted browser forensics and log analysis to bust them good.



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