Unveiling Failures and Forging Change: Combatting Gender Disparities in Cybersecurity for Marginalized Genders

Presented at Diana Initiative 2023, Aug. 7, 2023, 11:30 a.m. (60 minutes)

In this impactful talk, we expose the failures of the cybersecurity field that perpetuate gender disparities and hinder progress for marginalized genders. We delve into the intersectional challenges faced by individuals, recognizing the compounding factors of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and disability. Empowering attendees with actionable strategies, we discuss allyship, advocacy, and amplifying marginalized voices as crucial steps to drive change. Additionally, we address the decreasing support for diversity in red states and the potential impacts of legal changes, like the overturning of Roe v. Wade. By building coalitions and embracing resilience, we encourage individuals to take a stand, contribute to inclusivity, and support initiatives prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Together, we can dismantle barriers, foster dialogue, and create an empowering cybersecurity field that values and embraces the brilliance of all individuals.


  • Chloé Messdaghi - Global Secure Partners
    For over ten years, Chloé Messdaghi has advised and developed impactful solutions that have driven growth and innovation while transforming security teams to become resilient. Her work has helped businesses unlock opportunities to enhance trust, mitigate risk, and become purpose-driven. Chloé is a public speaker at major conferences and a trusted source for national and sector reporters and editors, as well as her research, op-eds, and commentary have been featured in numerous outlets, from Forbes and Business Insider to Bloomberg, and TechRepublic. Her work has earned her many distinctions, including being listed by Business Insider and SC Media as a Power Player in cybersecurity.


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