Take the Stage, Take Up Space, Take The Win

Presented at Diana Initiative 2023, Aug. 7, 2023, 2:30 p.m. (30 minutes)

The very idea of public speaking strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest people, creating clammy hands and pounding hearts. But when fear of speaking keeps diverse voices and perspectives off Security conference stages, the lack of diversity and inclusion in the Security industry is reinforced by the absence of those voices. Attendees will take away effective and actionable techniques to ensure that they fearlessly crush it and hone their public speaking skills. More specifically, how to rehearse for talks and other preparation.


  • Christina Liu - Cisco Meraki
    Christina Liu is a ex-circus performer turned web developer turned Enterprise Security Engineer. She’s worked in highly regulated tech industries such as healthcare and finance. In her current role, she is the vendor review SME performing reviews and security integration liaison for a company of 3,000 people. Her favorite outdoors activities include rock climbing and hiking extremely slowly to look at wildflowers, mushrooms, and shiny smaller rocks.


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