Android Application Hacking

Presented at Diana Initiative 2022, Aug. 10, 2022, 2:30 p.m. (60 minutes)

Even though Google Play carefully chooses the Applications for the store, many Android Applications are still vulnerable. Android App Hacking is a specialization area, so it is much less documented than other pentests. In this session, I will tackle this subject. After providing instruction for a complete setup of an Android App pentest lab, a deeper dive into the process with static analysis, dynamic analysis, reporting, including video demo and detailed examples on purposefully vulnerable applications will occur.


  • Gabrielle Botbol - Desjardins
    Gabrielle Botbol is a professional actress who became an ethical hacker. She created a self study program and is dedicated to educating others on how they can do the same. Gabrielle is the heart and the voice of cyber communities and she promotes the values of equality and justice, her mantra is “Action for Cyberpeace.” She shares her knowledge through talks and workshops for international conferences and local organizations. Mrs Botbol has been honored for her accomplishments and contributions by multiple awards like Top 20 women in cybersecurity in Canada 2020, Educator of the year 2022 and Top Influencer IFSEC 2022.


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