Reclaiming Your Space in Cyber Security: Speak Out, Speak Up, Speak Often

Presented at Diana Initiative 2020 Virtual, Aug. 21, 2020, 4 p.m. (60 minutes).

There is a great global discussion happening about the ways in which systemic racism and gender bias reveal themselves across various aspects of our society. From #BlackLivesMatter to #Me too to #Timesup, there is a massive movement on the part of large swaths of American citizens that incremental progress is no longer enough. Americans seems ready for a sweeping change in the very definition of what America is, what we truly value and who the beneficiaries should be of a long-broken system. This public discourse is visceral, its uncomfortable and its disruptive. But it is necessary. It was unavoidable. Women, minorities, and other marginalized groups now have growing public support to transform discourse into action, draft new policies, and advance new ways for our society continues tovalue difference – across the board. More of them today are choosing to “Speak Out, Speak Up and Speak Often” in advocacy for more control over their lives. The Cybersecurity industry acts as a microcosm of the broader society in which it sits. Therefore, it is not exempt from the same demand for a revolution – a change in the way women are treated, minorities are kept out, and the responsibility for diversity and inclusion is placed on the victims of the treatment over and over again. The first black or female employee in any security team is the one who “breaks the boundaries”, therefore innately a change agent. But we all as an industry have to make space for those who are different. We must allow them to use their unique voice and value them as equals. It now the time for action. The purpose of this talk will be to discuss the responsibility of the cyber security industry to move over, open doors and make space for more women and minorities to “Speak Up, Speak Out and Speak Often”.


  • Jules Okafor - RevolutionCyber
    ​Juliet Okafor, J.D., is a cybersecurity professional who has combined her knowledge of the legal system and cybersecurity solution models into success stories across fortune 500 industries throughout the USA. Her ability to scope, plan and design the creation of an OT Cybersecurity Management System framework for one of the largest cruise lines in the world is testament of her commitment and leadership regardless of the challenge. She is a passionate security solutions visionary and strategist who builds the Fortune 500 enterprise’s overarching security strategy that governs all other smaller strategies within. She is the person who determines how to solve the company’s problem, be it vulnerability management, incident response or reducing the risk associated with technology or vendors, and then puts a plan into action or roadmap to remediate the risks in place – using a combination of people, transforming operations and an array of emerging security technology. Juliet’s collaboration with key infrastructure cybersecurity leaders from the energy, manufacturing, maritime, transportation and chemical sectors have led to realistic and integrated IT/OT cybersecurity programs with positive security results. The unique value of Juliet’s ability within the cybersecurity field is also evident in her relentless and dynamic approach to understanding the expectations, needs, and requirements of her clients in concert with providing the best cybersecurity technologies and services required. Okafor has also helped build startup security organizations from the ground up, negotiating contracts, forging partnerships, selecting tools, leading strategic initiatives, and partnering with key customers and security stakeholders to create, identify, measure and report the maturity of their enterprise security programs to senior leadership to justify additional financial investment or demonstrate continuous improvement. Juliet graduated from UMass-Amherst with a B.A. in Communication, Fordham University with an M.A. in Public Communication and Media Studies and received her Juris Doctorate from Temple University – Beasley School of Law. She is currently the Chief Engagement Officer (CEO) for RevolutionCyber.


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