No Mom, I’m not a Hacker

Presented at Diana Initiative 2020 Virtual, Aug. 21, 2020, 11 a.m. (30 minutes).

For years, red teamers had all the fun and garnered the notoriety. They broke in, stole everything, then left a report on the blue team’s desk with some vague recommendations. The blue team wasn’t cool, it wasn’t fun, and it wasn’t the destination. Well, as my dear friend Wonder Woman once said, “If no one else will defend the world, then I must.” Blue teaming is critical to our industry, and it is time that blue teamers get the credit and reputation they deserve. In this talk you will learn about the history of the hacker stereotypes, what blue teaming really is, and why you should be proud to be a blue teamer. You will walk away with tips to elevate the profile of your organization’s blue team while encouraging others to join the blue side.


  • Danielle Knust - Speaker
    Danielle has a broad technical background with focuses on network security and threat hunting. She has experience deploying security monitoring and remote access solutions to operation technology (OT), manufacturing, and lab environments. Additionally, she leverages industry accepted frameworks such as NIST and MITRE ATT&CK to identify security gaps and provide recommendations to improve the security program maturity. She has led short and long-term projects across multiple teams to expand control maturity through specific milestones. Through a variety of roles, Danielle has experience working with complex global organizations including large pharmaceutical and financial institutions. Danielle has her GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH) and AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certifications.


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