Hacking into Android Ecosystem

Presented at Diana Initiative 2020 Virtual, Aug. 22, 2020, 10 a.m. (60 minutes)

There are more than 2.5 billion devices on Android today. That implies any vulnerability can potentially lead to a massive privacy breach or security attack. So, how does the security landscape looks like for Android, are there known privacy limitations or security threats? How do you look into the internals of an Android app? How do you look into the internals of Android itself? This talk will answer these questions for the audience. As a part of the talk, we will cover the following: 1. Overview of Android Security Landscape: Present day's security and privacy posture of Android, the attacks and challenges in defence. 2. Android Apps Internals: How to reverse engineer Android App and see what it does? 3. FRIDA: Using FRIDA to explore Android Apps Ecosystem 4. Design of malwares and spywares 5. Current situation, exploitation, risks and future.


  • Aditi Bhatnagar - Speaker
    Aditi Bhatnagar is a security enthusiast who is presently working as Software Engineer in end point security team, developing defender solutions for Android platform at Microsoft. She is actively involved in researching the privacy and security aspects of evolving Android landscape and likes hacking around tools/technologies that interest her. Intrigued by the innumerous ways in which technology is shaping human lives and societies, she likes researching the evolving relationship between the two and share her perspective on her website digitised.in She is an advocate of digital privacy, security and digital wellbeing and has conducted several talks and workshops to spread awareness regarding the same.


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