Critical Infrastructure, Interconnected Risks, and Resiliency. Why Women Should Care?

Presented at Diana Initiative 2020 Virtual, Aug. 22, 2020, 9 a.m. (45 minutes).

This talk is specifically focused on increasing awareness about the interconnected of the internet not only in our day to day to lives but also into our critical civil infrastructure such as water treatment facilities, energy grids, hospitals, etc., she brings attention to the fact that just like essential workers are recognized as critical to continue BAU for our personal lives during the Covid-19 pandemic, these civic infrastructures are also essential services and that we must not wait for a serious incident like the pandemic to make us realize that but rather pay crucial attention to their safety and security and to the coupling impact they have on us proactively and work in strengthening their resilience. The talk highlights attention to the gender gap in cyber security and in this area and how women can help close this gap and gives an opportunity to discuss challenges and how to close them.



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