The Birds and the PCBs: Where Baby Circuit Boards Come From

Presented at Diana Initiative 2019, Aug. 9, 2019, 9 a.m. (240 minutes).

This part talk, part workshop is for anyone who wants to learn circuit design but doesn't know where to start! We'll be creating a PCB with a six character 7-segment display, controlled by a microprocessor. This design doesn't have a direct security application (other than possibly as a conference badge for next year) but serves as a crash course in circuit design and creation, so that attendees can have the knowledge and tools to make their own designs, and/or make sense of hardware that they are reverse engineering. In addition to being the end product of this workshop, the design will be used to show: * How you can go from a nebulous idea, to prototyping, to schematics and board layout all the way to a finished board. * Common circuit features, including how they work, why they're used, how to decide between competing options, and how they might be used in future projects. * A crash course in using Eagle (a free/inexpensive tool for hobbyists) to create schematics and PCBs. The goal of the workshop is for attendees to be able to arrive with little or no circuit knowledge, and leave with an understanding of circuit board development from concept to completion, and a completed board design.


  • Jaime Lightfoot
    Jaime is an electrical engineer turned software developer. Her experience spans from embedded systems to mobile apps to web development. She caught the infosec bug through playing CTFs with her team, BisonSquad. When she's not adding LEDs to things or volunteering with her local software community, she can be found taking her dog for overdue walks.


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