Would you like to build your Android hacking skills and use them to collect bug bounties? This talk is for the absolute beginners who want to learn about mobile security and bug bounties. Mobile application security is an important area that has received relatively little attention so far. This makes it a promising area for opportunities, given that mobile devices are often in scope with bug bounty programs.
If you want to learn about bug bounties and android applications this talk is made for you!
Attendees will learn the structure of Android applications and be introduced to tools that can be used for penetration testing. Android Tamer is a virtual machine (VM) that can be used for mobile pentesting, reverse engineering, and code analysis. Burp Suite provides a proxy server and other tools that can be used to test web applications. Android Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to review android code that also provides a simulator that allows users to run Android APK files on their desktops.