Could Static Code Analysis and Secure Coding have Saved the Death Star?

Presented at Diana Initiative 2019, Aug. 9, 2019, noon (60 minutes)

Could a scan of the Empire’s Death Star software have found the insider threat that Galen Erso left in the Death Star’s system? My hypothesis is that if the Empire had used a Static Analysis Tool for issues, then maybe the outcome of the Star Wars movies would have been different. The teacher will explain the terms “Secure Coding” or “Static Code Analysis” and give associated examples.


  • Mary Waddick - Cyber Engineer at Raytheon
    Mary Anne is a Cyber Engineer at Raytheon in Indianapolis. She has a master’s Degree in Information Assurance with a focus on Cyber Security from Regis University. She has worked at Raytheon for 29 years, both with Software Engineering and Cyber Engineering. She helps them understand the importance of secure coding practices, and helps them use static code analysis tools for finding and understanding security issues.


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