Conference Talk Proposal Writing 101

Presented at Diana Initiative 2019, Aug. 9, 2019, 3 p.m. (120 minutes)

Do you dream of applying to speak at a conference? Need to flesh out a presentation idea? Not sure where to start? Join us as we break down what the talk proposal process entails, and get words onto paper! In this hands-on workshop, we will: -Brainstorm and fine-tune presentation ideas individually and in groups -Walk through how to structure and deliver content -Write drafts of talk abstracts and outlines -Provide peer feedback on abstracts and outlines Bring your desire to transform ideas into viable proposals for security cons or other technical conferences, and prepare to deliver and receive constructive peer feedback! Laptops are optional - you will be writing, but you may do so either on a laptop or on paper.


  • Kat Sweet - Information Security Analyst at Duo Security
    Kat Sweet works for Duo Security, where her official title is information security analyst and her unofficial title is senior pun architect. On top of her primary mission of securing the securers by building out Duo's multifaceted security operations program, she coaches aspiring presenters in CFP writing and public speaking in an effort to amplify a more diverse pool of voices in the security space. She's also been the co-leader of the BSidesLV lockpick village since 2017. When she's not in security mode, you can find her picking unsuspecting locks or bursting into song, including as a member of the Duo band, Panic! at the Cisco.


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