All Aboard: Let's GoPhish-ing and learn new tricks!

Presented at Diana Initiative 2019, Aug. 9, 2019, 11 a.m. (60 minutes)

If you haven't gone phishing yet, it can be daunting. With all of the tools and services out there to pick from, which ones do the professionals use? Come learn some tips and tricks from a penetration tester who goes phishing for a living. Learn how to setup a domain, use the powerful GoPhish framework and much, much, more before sending your phish out to sea!


  • Emilie St-Pierre - Security Consultant at Rapid7
    Émilie is a penetration tester who has been a part of the information security community for over 5 years. She specializes in testing technology from the point-of-view of a malicious actor- performing social engineering, web application, WiFi and network-based engagements. She currently organizes community workshops for FutureAda and has presented at conferences such as BSidesLV and Layer8.


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