Women in Technology - it’s not JUST a pipeline problem

Presented at Diana Initiative 2018, Aug. 9, 2018, 1 p.m. (25 minutes)

“Where are all the women?” “It’s a pipeline issue, there are not enough women to hire!” There are more problems than just the pipeline when it comes to increasing the presence of women in the IT field. I will review the various stages, why women are lost, and the collective actions we can take to retain them. From early childhood through secondary education and first job, I’ll explore what causes women to lose interest in or be pushed out of the field. You may not be able to solve all the problems, but you most likely are involved with and can have impact with at least one.


  • Nicole Schwartz - Scrum Master
    AmazonV has more than twelve years experience facilitating Agile teams in various companies. She is currently a Scrum Master for an insurance company. She was formerly a Technical Product Manager at Rackspace since 2011, owner of The Devotea USA tea company, member of the board for Hacksburg (a local non-profit makerspace), and teacher for Let's Code Blacksburg and Hacksburg. She holds a Master of Science in Information Technology from Clarkson University. She has been attending hacker conventions for over half her life, enjoys home brewing, shooting, whiskey, rabbits and crafting. Yes she has the first TARDIS corset by her lovely friend MayFaire Moon that was turned into the BoobyTrap by WarCollar.


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