The History of the Future of CyberEducation

Presented at DerbyCon 8.0 Evolution (2018), Oct. 5, 2018, noon (50 minutes)

When I think about what cybersecurity education in the future should look like it almost immediately falls into place like a game of Asteroids: and another triad was born. I believe in threes. For all the reasons. The premise is that cybersecurity is often laser focused on an insanely complex specific subset of a set of threats and/or vulnerabilities; perhaps an IoT MQTT-SN protocol weakness. Where, though, do we teach in greater overarching strategic generalities? The following notional triad for the future of cybersecurity education is, I believe, synergistic self-reinforcing, and would complement more traditional approaches, yet arrive at different, more efficacious results. They all tie together. Engineering. History. Humans….It’s a triad.



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