Advanced Persistent Thirst (APT)

Presented at DerbyCon 6.0 Recharge (2016), Sept. 23, 2016, 7:30 p.m. (25 minutes)

Advanced Persistent Thirst (APT) is project to convert a refrigeration and cooling device (refrigerator), customized to cool and dispense liquids from a barrel-shaped metallic storage container (keg), and augmented with the power and magic of ICS/SCADA. APT takes a kegerator and adds physical and logical controls via industry standard hardware, software, and protocols, to manage (control and/or restrict) the process of dispensing beer. A ‘real world’ industrial programmable logic controller (PLC) handles the automated controls while a touchscreen interface is implement for normal user interaction. After the talk and demo, attendees will be invited to connect to the APT network and ‘hack for beer’.


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