Love letters to Frank Abagnale (How do I pwn thee let me count the ways)

Presented at DerbyCon 3.0 All in the Family (2013), Sept. 28, 2013, noon (50 minutes).

In previous talks I have shown how I have used emails to gain entry into places I should not have been. In this talk I give an in depth explanation on how I use emails not just for phishing but to gather intel & make a way in. I will go over the steps to recon your target. To find important information to make sure the email is not just believed but acted on in the way you desire. I will also show you how to create a convincing get out of jail free card. That will aid in avoiding being detained but will also get employees to aid you in your attack.


  • Jayson E. Street as Jayson E. Stree
    Jayson E. Street is an author of “Dissecting the hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network” from Syngress. Also creator of He has also spoken at DEFCON, DerbyCon, UCON and at several other ‘CONs and colleges on a variety of Information Security subjects. His life story can be found on Google under “Jayson E. Street” *He is a highly carbonated speaker who has partaken of Pizza from Beijing to Brazil. He does not expect anybody to still be reading this far but if they are please note he was chosen as one of Time’s persons of the year for 2006. ;)

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