The Art and Science of Hacking Any Target

Presented at DerbyCon 2.0 Reunion (2012), Sept. 28, 2012, 8 p.m. (30 minutes).

In this talk Tyler confronts a fact that is staring us all in the face; no matter what defenses are in place any target can be hacked. He will review a small set of enlightening empirical evidence that points to this fact, define a methodology to hack any target and then detail attacks that will allow you to hack any target, cover potential mitigating defenses and then detail how those same defenses can still be circumvented.


  • Tyler Wrightson
    Tyler is very passionate about infosec especially offensive security. He has over twelve years of ‘professional’ experience in the industry and has been a hobbyist even longer. He is currently a senior security consultant for Integralis where he focuses on offensive seucurity engagements including all classes of penetration tests. He is the winner of the first Derbycon CTF and the author of ‘Wireless Network Security a beginners guide’. He is currently writing a book on offensive security of a similar nature to this talk.

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