Simple Security Defense to Thwart an Army of Cyber Ninja Warriors

Presented at DerbyCon 2.0 Reunion (2012), Sept. 29, 2012, 2 p.m. (50 minutes).

Does your organization’s security program need a jump start? What if you could implement security practices that would defend against the most advanced attacks? What if you could do this all for little to no cost? Many advanced offensive attacks will be demonstrated that would typically rain shells. Then, we will dive into the defensive techniques that will frustrate, annoy, and protect against the best hackers. You will see some real-life vulnerabilities that will surprise, scare, and make you anxious to begin re-evaluating your own organization’s security posture.


  • Ryan Elkins (sniper)
    Ryan Elkins is an Information Security Engineer in the financial services industry. He has extensive experience in application security, penetration testing, systems administration, and database security. Ryan is finishing up his Master’s degree in Information Security. He is also the proud own of the “pea shooter” single shot nerf gun.

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