Presented at
DerbyCon 2.0 Reunion (2012),
Sept. 29, 2012, 2 p.m.
(50 minutes).
Security personnel in the know rarely lose sleep over the technical controls used to secure their networks. We lose sleep over the ability of our staff to defend those networks with common sense. Social engineering and lack of basic knowledge can hurt you faster than a hacker.
Bill Gardener
Bill Gardner is an information security educator, co-founder and vice president of 304Geeks, and chairman of the information security section and vice president of the Appalachian Institute of Digital Evidence. Gardner is also the co-founder and an organizer of Hack3rCon, an annual information security conference in Charleston, WV.
Branden Miller / f0zzie
as Branden Miller
Branden Miller is responsible for the Awareness and Training program for a health care entity that has over 10,000 employees. He retired from the US Navy in 2011 after 20 years of service. He has held many positions such as system administrator, network engineer, digital network exploitation analyst, and finally, adjunct faculty for the National Cryptologic School.
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